MKMMA Week 18: Putting My Attention On Love, Abundance, Health, Happiness?

Master Key Master Mind Alliance, MKMMA Week 18 again remind us that what we put our attention to is what we are going to attract. Thus it only makes perfect sense to me for us to fill our heart and mind with thoughts and feelings of Love, Abundance, Health, Happiness on an everyday basis. Thoughts of abundance will respond only to similar thoughts; the wealth of the individual is seen to be what he or she inherently is. Affluence within is found to be the secret of attraction for affluence without. Similarly for Health, Love, Happiness, these have got to start within our heart. Thus we will give and continually give; and the more we give, the more we will receive what is pre-dominant in our heart and mind. This is an interesting concept in MKMMA course and we are practicing just that – focusing, noticing and giving out kindness and all the positive traits of a great personality, the person that we intend to be.

The Master Key System reminds me that in order for us to grow we must obtain what is essential for our growth, but as we are at all times a complete thought entity, this completeness makes it possible for us to receive only as we give. Thought is the energy which the law is attraction is brought into operation, which eventually manifests in abundance. Power depends upon consciousness of power; unless we use it, we shall lose it, and unless we are conscious of it, we cannot use it. This is why it is so important for us to cultivate the power of attention, to increase our level of consciousness in everything that we do.

We are in week 18 in the MKMMA journey, in fact many of us are challenged by our old blueprint and we are holding on, we are masterminding and we are pushing forward as a group. We will finish strong because we have a mastermind!

I always keep my promises. I am Whole, Perfect, Strong, Powerful, Loving, Harmonious and Happy.  🙂 

Kim San


17 thoughts on “MKMMA Week 18: Putting My Attention On Love, Abundance, Health, Happiness?

  1. Yes Kim, thank you for reminding us that the law of growth, which is the engine of life, is activated by our attention. And if we keep our attention on giving, we create for ourself and others a heart centered life. Beautiful!

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